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"Although I was born in the South, I have felt a special connection to the Northeast.  I am not sure if this is due to my first wife having been born here or if I just liked the crisp northern weather.  In the late 1990s, I relocated to Watertown to grow the cotton find some peace and quiet.  After years in the quiet I realized there was something missing in my life and had found something relaxing about the smooth sounds of a windmill, and felt like I needed one on my property.  Not only has this given me an additional source of relaxation but has supplied my process with energy and given me excess to share "

Wind Energy from Joe G.
Location: Albany, New York
Price: $50 per month
Wind Energy from Fred A.
Location: Long Island, New York
Price: $48 per month

"I always thought wind energy was interesting, and when my granddaughter did a class project on wind projects in Texas, I thought this could be an exciting addition to my bean farm.  Since then I have hosted many school visits to my property, to help educate my granddaughter’s classmates and friends.  When I am not spending time with her and my family I find myself benefitting from an afternoon nap and playing cards with my wife."

Solar Energy from Sam and Cindy H.
Location: Buffalo, New York
Price: $55 per month

"Ten years ago, I decided to leave the hectic city life behind and grow one of my favorite foods on a large scale.  Since then, Buffalo, New York has been home to me and my wife, Cindy, our two children, 10 chickens and our dog Morris where we have been growing corn and supplying most of the state with locally produced crops.  Last year I decided that my energy needs could be cleaner and deployed a solar array on my farm.  Not only have I been able to accomplish all my energy needs from the production on my farm I have been able to share this with others "

Solar Energy from Al T.
Location: Watertown, New York
Price: $63 per month

" I was born and raised in Albany, New York, where I have been living and farming for most of my entire adult life.  Recently I realized that there was a cleaner way to power my energy needs and that I could explore options for the excess energy I created on the farm.  When I am not producing wheat and wind power I enjoy relaxing with my cat, Felix and watching football"


Our Producers

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